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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Why do I need cosmetic dentistry to enhance my smile?

Most people understand the importance of a good smile and consider an attractive smile to be a great social asset. Most people also agree that an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances of social and career success. But still less than half of the people are satisfied with their smile. Even lesser are happy and proud to have a good smile.

A smile is something that bridges the gap between any two individuals. In fact, a charming smile can disarm opponents in any argument. The teeth play the most important role in creating a perfect smile. It is necessary to have a good set of teeth and for them to be in harmony with the face, the lip line, the curvature of the mouth, etc. The same size and shape of the teeth may look very aesthetic in one smile, while in another, they may not. At Chavan Hospital your cosmetic dentist in Pune Dr. Jagruti Chavan, will reorganize and reposition teeth and alter tooth structure in terms of colour, position, size and texture, without any harmful side-effects to make them look, feel and behave in the same fashion as beautiful natural teeth.

Why meet the best cosmetic dentist in Pune?

At Chavan Hospital, we believe that cosmetic dentistry is aptly one of the best ways to enhance the oral cavity on all levels. Cosmetic dentistry or Aesthetic Dentistry at Chavan Hospital is treated as a part of our functional dentistry procedures, with the added element & dimension of art. Dr. Jagruti Chavan, your cosmetic dentist, performs a wide variety of procedures, from subtle changes to major repairs, to improve your smile. Our persistence towards giving attention to finer details to create a natural and uniquely individual smile should be your reason to select Chavan Hospital as your cosmetic dental health provider.

Benefits of having cosmetic dental treatments at Chavan Hospital

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Having a healthy & beautiful smile is the signature of wellness. It signals self-confidence and energy, but more importantly, it is the paramount measure of prevention against systemic disease and cardiac malfunction. The mouth is the gateway to all of the inner systems of our human existence; therefore, keeping it free of decay and guarding a well aligned bite contribute grandly to the quality of life.

You may seek our aesthetic dentistry services for a variety of reasons. You may simply want to look younger, and our cosmetic dentist with the help of cosmetic dentistry and smile designing will give you a dental facelift that can quickly “reverse” the natural aging process of the teeth. Or, you may have spaced out teeth that made you self-conscious your whole life, making you smile rarely, which would often hide the warm side of your personality. Be it these or any other small cosmetic issue, thanks to the advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, our cosmetic dentist in Pune, Dr. Jagruti Chavan can improve your teeth and smile with quick, painless and surprisingly affordable treatments like smile designing.

The factors that mainly influence our smile design procedures are

Your facial shape: For example, a long face may need an accentuated width to appear more oval, or someone with attractive features in the centre of their face may need bold central incisors to draw attention to that centre.

Your image aspirations: How do you want to appear to others? A sophisticated smile gives the appearance of more intelligence, maturity and judgment. A sexy smile gives the appearance of more warmth, energy and boldness.

Your age, or how old you want to appear: Longer central incisors and whiter teeth make you appear younger. Conversely, a flatter smile or a more subdued colour of the teeth make you appear more mature.

Your time constraint: Some treatments can be done in as short as a single visit, while treatment with braces may take a couple of months to years.

Along with teeth, the gums, technically known as the Gingiva also play a significant role in the appearance of your smile. There is a certain proportion of pink to white, which has to be maintained for the smile to be pleasing and beautiful. At times, the only difference between an excellent smile and a run-of-the-mill smile can be heavily pigmented gums. Correcting and improving these small discrepancies also makes a huge difference in the final outcome of our specialized smile designing procedures.

Our Cosmetic dental treatments can

Change the size, shape, and alignment of certain teeth.

Fill in unattractive gaps between spaced out teeth.

Improve or correct bites.

Lighten or brighten the colour of your teeth.

Repair decayed, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth.

Replace missing teeth.

Replace old, unattractive dental treatments.

Dr. Jagruti Chavan, your cosmetic dentist in Pune does this

By adding a dental material to your teeth or gums, e.g. – Bonding, Porcelain Veneers (laminates), Crowns (caps), Gum grafts, Dental jewellery.

By removing some tooth structure or gums, e.g. – Enameloplasty, Gingivectomy or Gum Contouring.

By neither adding nor removing dental materials, tooth structure or gums, e.g. – Teeth Whitening (bleaching), Gum Depigmentation.

By aligning or straightening the teeth accompanied by improvement in the appearance of your face, e.g. – Orthodontics

By a combination of any or all of the above procedures to give you the smile you desire and deserve.

our Sub Services

Porcelain Veneers

No matter how disappointed you are with the teeth nature gave you – even if they are cruelly misaligned, misshapen, stained from antibiotics or tobacco, or just plain not what you’d hoped for – modern smile makeovers with porcelain veneers can give you the smile of your dreams.

Ceramic Caps

Earlier the type of crown that was used the most had a base of metal as a foundation and porcelain that was placed over it. There were inherent cosmetic and bio-compatibility issues with this, such as grey/dull looking teeth and black lines around the gums with food accumulation near the cap margins.

Composite Bonding

Bonding is a form of smile sculpture accomplished with a composite resin which enables patients with imperfections in their teeth to have more attractive smiles. The procedure involves the application of a tooth-colored resin material which is hardened with a special light which ultimately “bonds” the material to the tooth and improves the overall appearance of teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Our teeth whitening service offers exceptional beauty for a gorgeous smile. Over the course of many years, your teeth can get stained from a variety of foods and products ranging from coffee and tea to cigarettes and other substances.

Gum Contouring & Depigmentation

Some people have teeth that look too “short” due to the relationship between their teeth and gums, thus creating a “gummy” smile. Our Waterlase laser can be used for a procedure called “gum contouring” to remove excess gum tissue and expose more of the crown of the tooth.


Orthodontics as a treatment works on the simple principle of bones resorbing under pressure and forming under tension. When force is applied on the tooth, the bone on the side on which the pressure is applied slowly dissolves out and the tooth moves into the gap thus created. New bone forms on the bone on the opposite side simultaneously which is experiencing the pull of the force.
