Mon - Sat 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Sunday - CLOSED


our Services

At Chavan Hospital, you will experience the most evolved form of dentistry. You get this by experiencing our wide variety of dental services ranging from the latest Cosmetic & Restorative procedures to the most basic preventive treatments. Some of the procedures listed are a necessity for your overall health and well-being, while other procedures are elective. Whichever the case, it is our responsibility to ensure that you leave us with a sense of confidence and a reason to smile.

Restorative Dentistry

At some point in your life, you will likely need some kind of restorative dentistry care. Fillings, crowns, implants, bridges… these are all common procedures used to increase the strength and function of your existing teeth when damage has occurred or to replace the lost ones.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Most people understand the importance of a good smile and consider an attractive smile to be a great social asset. Most people also agree that an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances for social and career success. But still less than half of the people are satisfied with their smile. Even lesser are happy and proud to have a good smile.

Dental Emergencies

Problems with your teeth or gums can sometimes be serious enough that they simply cannot wait. Getting fast dental treatment can often mean the difference between losing or keeping a tooth, or between quickly clearing up an infection or facing more serious health risks.

Preventive Treatments

At Chavan Hospital, we focus on conservative & functional dental care. What does that mean? It means we want to help you conserve as many of your natural teeth as possible. However, if problems arise or you’ve gone a little too long between visits, allowing dental damage to set in, we offer restorative dentistry care to counteract oral health issues, injury, damage, and trauma.

Laser Assisted Dentistry

Laser Dentistry is a precise and effective way to perform many dental procedures. If you consider yourself somewhat of an anxious dental patient and are seeking extreme safety and comfort, you should consider looking for Dr.Jagruti Chavan who has pioneered WATERLASE laser dentistry.

Tooth Removal

Smilekraft Dentistry is the first and only place in Pune to utilize the patented Waterlase Laser for all kinds of gum and oral surgeries, making them absolutely comfortable and safe for the patients.