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Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Why would you need restorative dentistry?

At some point in your life, you will likely need some kind of restorative dentistry care. Fillings, crowns, implants, bridges etc these are all common tooth restoration options or procedures used to increase the strength and function of your existing teeth when damage has occurred or to replace the lost ones. The earlier we can intervene in the case of a cavity, infection or dental injury, the more likely we are to achieve good results with proper dental restorations and save your teeth and its functionality.

How can restorative dentistry help you?

If you’ve got a cavity, we can treat it with a dental filling. We use composite tooth-coloured material to create cosmetic dental fillings when desired and possible.

Left unabated, a cavity can eventually lead to serious infection which we can treat with a root canal treatment. Porcelain crowns, inlays and onlays provide extra strength and protection for teeth that have more extensive damage or are broken. With a Tooth Restoration we can save your smile and function by repairing the missing part of your pearly white.

If yet not taken care, that small cavity can eventually decay your tooth completely after which it would only need a total replacement.

our Sub Services

Dental Implants

Dental implants, a revolution in dentistry, are the perfect solution to replace missing teeth or stabilise loose dentures. They are the new standard of care for people with missing or broken down teeth. You no longer have to rely on dentures, bridges or other removable appliances.

Dental Crowns

Restoring teeth with dental crowns or caps is our way of improving the appearance and strength of damaged, decayed, fractured, or weakened teeth. They are basically tooth shaped restorative caps which are fitted on a portion of a tooth that is seen above the gums in a way that it becomes the external surface of the tooth.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

If you feel that your teeth in general are shifting, deteriorating, chipping, and wearing away or the front teeth are getting shorter and shorter, then a full mouth reconstruction is the solution to restore your smile.

Dental Bridges

A teeth supported dental bridge is a permanent fixed restoration used to replace missing teeth when dental implants are not an option for your treatment. As you would have read in the dental implants section.

Dental Fillings

At Chavan Hospital, tooth coloured dental fillings are done to restore teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay or injury. The cleaning and shaping of teeth prior to the filling is done with the combination of the Waterlase laser and the Lares fibre-optic dental drill.

Removable Dentures

Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore your smile. Removable dentures are commonly thought of as an old age treatment, and before the advent of dental implants, were a very popular treatment option to get back lost teeth.

Post & Core Treatment

Suppose your tooth is decayed to such an extent that more than half of your visible tooth structure is lost, then we may need to do a post & core treatment after the root canal to aid in reinforcing the tooth by covering it up with a cap.